Hey, I’m Zoe
I may as well tell you now that I’m a hopeless romantic.
I love the nautical, the indie, the ethical, the DIY, and I’m obsessed with geometric shapes, monochrome and the sea.
I used to make lots of things, but now focus mostly on crochet.
Yarn for change
I almost always think of the item I am going to design next when I am by the sea. Hardly surprising as for the first 16 years, my life revolved around it.
It’s pretty much impossible to grow up in a small fishing village and escape the ocean. Awoken by gulls and hit by a vista most of us dream of seeing each morning, as soon as you step out of the front door, the sea is everywhere. It was the food on our table in both the literal and metaphoric sense. We travelled on the passenger ferry when we needed to go to the closest town, and we travelled on the car ferry when we needed to go further, failing that, swim?